I am Diego Burgos

Data Scientists

About Me

I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, where I gained a solid foundation in scientific principles and analytical thinking. Along the way, I discovered my passion for data science and started learning the fundamentals of data analysis, machine learning, and statistical modeling. As a result, I’ve developed a strong skill set in data science that complements my background in Physics and allows me to tackle complex scientific problems from a data-driven perspective.

In today’s world, data is being produced at an unprecedented rate and in a variety of formats. In order to harness the value of this data, companies must effectively gather, measure, and manage it through proper data preparation.

The purpose of this is twofold: first, to obtain powerful presentation tools for insights that can inform strategic decision-making. Second, by analyzing data, companies can identify and address issues, and ultimately improve their business processes.

By taking advantage of the abundance of data available, companies can gain a competitive edge and position themselves for long-term success.

My extensive background in managing large and varied datasets, along with my expertise in modern statistical methods, enables me to provide support at every step of the process. I am able to share insights in a clear and comprehensive manner.

Main Skills

With a background in science and practical experience in collecting, analyzing, and presenting data, I am well-equipped to support trading strategies and personal projects.


Open here to know more about 

Analysis for Safety & Health at Work Company


Open here to know more about Data analysis for a real plasma

Open here to know more about 

Analysis for Safety & Health at Work Company

Open here to know more about 

Data analytics to forecast scoring on movies  


Diego worked very hard, and his dedication to the job was impressive. He was easy to work with and receptive to recommendations, which made the collaboration process smooth. He demonstrated great mastery in completing all the required assignments.
Diego is a proactive, purposeful, and committed individual. My experience working with him on research was outstanding and fruitful, resulting in relevant contributions to the community.
Diego has strong technical skills and is a highly passionate worker. Even after his contract was finished, he continued to show dedication by offering training and collaborating with the new crew. He consistently demonstrated a solid work ethic during his time at SpreadTech, along with his dedication to success."

Get In Touch

I would be happy to help you address any issues related to data. Please feel free to share your ideas with me, and I will work with you to develop effective solutions that meet your specific needs.

Mosta Malta, or remotely

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